School Rules / Code of Conduct

ATTENDANCE: Please arrive at class 5 minutes prior to your start time, please do not enter the hall before this to prevent disruption to the previous class.
If you do not attend dance class regularly then you will not be permitted to attend the next competition.
BEHAVIOUR: All dancers should show respect to teachers and fellow pupils within the class at all times.
UNIFORM: Students should wear the correct attire for class. ( T-shirts, vest tops and shorts etc) No clothing which may offend are permitted in class. Hair should be neatly tied up and away from the face. Correct footwear must be worn.
HEALTH & SAFETY: Please ensure we are notified of any health or emotional issues your child may have.
EATING & DRINKING: Please ensure your child has plenty to drink whilst at class to prevent dehydration. One small snack is permitted. No chewing gum.
PRACTISE: Use any 'free time' to practise at home and in class.
MOBILE PHONES: No mobile phones/Ipads etc to be used during dancing class.If brought to class these items will be held by the teacher until the end of class.
SOCIAL MEDIA: No pupil is permitted to post videos or pictures of another dancer or teacher at dancing class.
TOILET: Children must let the teacher know they are leaving the room to use the toilet facilities so that children can be accounted for at all times.
Dancers are not to leave the hall until their parent/guardian has arrived for them.
Parents/ Guardians
Make sure that child/children have the correct attire for class or displays.
Please arrive on time to collect your child.
Parents should treat each other with equal respect and with the same regard in which they would like to be treated. Any form of bullying or disrespect towards another parent within the class will not be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly.
Parents/ Guardians are asked to leave the room once the class has started and to wait at the door until class has finished.
Parents are not to comment on other children's dancing
No dance clothing, footwear OR COSTUMES to be purchased without discussing with the dance teacher first.

Please be very aware of information that is placed on social networking sites. Please do not write anything that may offend any other dancer, teacher or organisation.
Please ensure you inform your teacher of your child's results at competitions where we are unable to be present before it is placed on social networking sites.
When teachers request a photograph to be taken at a competition, display, photoshoot please be respectful and allow the teacher to have the opportunity to do this without interference from parents. Parents will be given the opportunity to take photos once the teacher/helper has finished. These photos are not be published until the school has published them first.
Breakage of rules with be dealt with in a three step process.